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Curriculum & Instruction

Gary Burboa-Reese, Assistant Superintendent

Gary Burboa-Reese

Gary Burboa-Reese has worked in the field of education for over 25 years, in roles including special educator, elementary assistant principal, elementary principal, Director of Curriculum, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, and School superintendent. 

Regardless of his position in the district, Gary has always been passionate about working alongside school staff to find the best ways to support the learning needs of all students. As superintendent in Amesbury, he helped to facilitate a major curriculum overhaul that focused on embedding social emotional learning competencies across the curriculum. His team shared the process of this work both at the state level and nationally at the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) annual conference.

Outside of his work within the K-12 setting, Gary has taught graduate college courses for individuals obtaining licensure as educators and administrators. He also has participated on a variety of community and human service boards to promote increased opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Gary most enjoys spending time outside of the school day with his three sons.

Gary earned his undergraduate degree from Vermont College of Norwich University, his master’s degree from Fitchburg State, and his doctorate degree from Boston College.

Lisa Comeau, Director of Title I and Early Literacy

Lisa Comeau

Lisa Comeau has worked in the North Middlesex Regional School District for over 20 years in the classroom as a sixth-grade teacher and fourth-grade teacher prior to shifting to districtwide leadership roles in the curriculum office, including the Director of Humanities and currently as the Director of Title I and Early Literacy.  In addition, Lisa has held several leadership roles in the district, including ELA and Mathematics Teacher Leader, Communications Team Lead, and Professional Development Facilitator for K-4 summer work.  Lisa holds a Master's degree in Elementary Education from Fitchburg State University.

Lisa believes that learning and achievement can flourish when both students and teachers are engaged in work that is challenging, meaningful, and adventurous.  Lisa’s vision of education includes classrooms where teachers can fulfill their greatest aspirations, and students can achieve more than they think possible, becoming productive and contributing members of society while building a better world.

Kevin Cormier, Director of Data and Accountability

Kevin Cormier

Kevin Cormier taught math at Nissitissit Middle School in Pepperell for 15 years before transitioning to leadership roles in the District Curriculum office, including the Director of STEM and currently as the Director of Data and Accountability for NMRSD.  Kevin has a Master's degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Fitchburg State University and a Doctorate in Math and Science Education from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. In addition, Kevin has served in the Teach Plus Policy Fellowship and as a member of CURATE, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's curriculum review panel.

Kevin's commitment to students begins with ensuring that they have access to a broad array of educational opportunities which will best serve their future selves.  This comes from constantly evaluating and adjusting both the curriculum offered to students and demonstrating their knowledge and abilities.  The ultimate goal is to help students find that connection between their learning and its application to find their paths to success.

We always appreciate feedback and questions... to reach a member of the curriculum office team:

PHONE - (978)597-8713, extension 1200


     * Dr. Burboa-Reese:

     * Ms. Comeau:

     * Dr. Cormier: