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Home Schooling


  1. Caregivers must obtain approval for homeschooling before removing their child or children from the public school and beginning the home education program.
  2. Approval is granted through the Curriculum and Instruction Office.
  3. Approval before the beginning of every school year is contingent upon receipt and approval of the following materials:
    • Notice of Intent to begin (or continue) homeschooling;
    • A detailed outline of the proposed curriculum, including subjects of instruction with grade-level objectives and a list of proposed textbooks, workbooks, and other instructional materials and aids;
      • A daily schedule of instruction showing times allotted for each subject. There must be at least 900 hours of instruction annually for grades 1-8 and 990 hours annually for grades 9-12, exclusive of lunch and recess time.
    • The method of assessment for each child(ren).
    • Academic background, life experience, and/or qualifications of those who will be instructing the child(ren), as they relate to the instructional program to be taught
    • In order to minimize any time delays, it is requested that caregivers submit this documentation by August 1st
  4. At the end of the year, the parents or guardians must provide evidence of each child’s progress. Parents or guardians have many options for how to show their child or children’s progress. Acceptable documentation includes standardized testing, a portfolio of dated samples of each child’s work for each content area, report cards, and/or progress reports.  This documentation must be received by June 30th
  5. Proof of Residency, if new to the district or homeschooling in NMRSD.
  6. Every student seeking Home Education approval for the first time must present a birth certificate. 

Home Schooling Form

Home Schooling FAQs

In order to assist caregivers in developing and implementing a home school program, the following FAQ document has been developed.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the Assistant Superintendent for curriculum.

Home Schooling FAQS