Strategic Plan
The North Middlesex Regional School District is pleased to share its Strategic Plan. This plan was developed during the 2023-2024 school year and approved by the NMRSD School Committee in the fall of 2024. It provides a focus for our work as a district over the next five years.
The first two pages of the strategic plan, which summarize the core initiatives and actions can be found below. To view the complete document, click here.
The curriculum office is coordinating a series of forums to inform families, staff, and the community about the plan and the three overarching strategic goal areas and to get input from constituencies to be ‘strategic; about which initiatives to place greater focus on initially (examining which initiatives will provide the greatest benefit for the school community as a whole). The working sessions are held in person in room 120 (LGI room) at the North Middlesex Regional High School. We will provide updates from our meetings on this page for anyone that is unable to attend. The schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday. December 18th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm Session 1: Strategic Plan Overview (Powerpoint Presentation link)
- Wednesday. January 8th Session 2 Focus - Climate, Culture and Community
- Wednesday. January 22nd Session 3 Focus - Meeting the Needs of all Students
- Wednesday, February 12th Session 4 Focus - Curriculum and Instruction
- Wednesday, February 26th Session 5 Finalizing priority initiatives and methods to communicate plan updates
We look forward to participation from students, staff, parents, and community members.
Climate, Culture and Community
The working group met on January 8, 2025 to examine the climate, culture and community strategic initiative. You can view the summary of the meeting (both written and video summary) below. A survey was also created to gather your feedback on the priorities under this initiative. To view the results, of the survey, click here.
Parents, community members and staff worked in small groups to analyze and provide feedback on the action areas under the climate, culture and community strategic initiative.
Meeting the Needs of All Students
The working group met on January 22nd to discuss the meeting the needs of all students initiative. You can view the summary of the meeting (both written and video summary) below. A survey was also created to gather your feedback on the priorities under this initiative. To view the results of the survey, click here.
Parents, community members and staff worked in small groups to analyze and provide feedback on the action areas under the Meeting the Needs of All Students strategic initiative.
Curriculum and Instruction
The working group will meet on February 12th to discuss this strategic initiative. Watch for more information to follow regarding this meeting