Student Opportunity Act
The North Middlesex Regional School District is pleased to share its Student Opportunity Act (SOA) plan. This plan will focus on student learning and addressing disparities between specific student populations and our overall student data for the next three years (through June 2027) with the overall goal of providing ALL of our student learners with meaningful and powerful experiences to maximize their growth academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally.
Based on public data that is available from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the enrollment size of each subgroup, and the overall impact that the various indicators (absenteeism, suspensions, ninth grade passing, dropouts and graduation rates) were having on academic performance (MCAS), we decided to focus our work through this plan on students with disabilities.
Our Theory of Action is: If we identify and utilize research-based approaches to decrease school suspensions and identify alternative pathways for students interested in dropping out for our students with disabilities subgroup, then we will see increased performance on state testing (MCAS) and an increase in the percentage of students with disabilities that meet the competency determination and graduation requirements within 3 years.
The District has selected the following Evidence-Based improvement areas to address the disparities in learning experiences and outcomes for the 'Students with Disabilities' subgroup. Funding to support these efforts are supported through both the curriculum office and special education department budgets:
- 1.1A -Promoting Integrated Services for Student Wellbeing- Integrated Services for Student Wellbeing
- 1.2A - Implementing a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) that helps all students progress both academically and in their social, emotional, and behavioral development: Effective Student Support Systems
- 2.2B - Using the MTSS process to implement academic supports and interventions that provide all students, particularly students with disabilities and multilingual learners: High Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities