Parent/Guardian Contact Protocol
Classroom issues: contact the teacher first. If you have additional concerns, contact the guidance counselor. If you are still concerned, contact the building Principal.
Scheduling issues: contact the guidance counselor first. If you have additional concerns, contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal.
Curriculum issues: contact the appropriate teacher first. If you have additional concerns, contact the building Principal. Finally, contact the Assistant Superintendent’s office.
Special Education issues: contact the appropriate teacher(s) first and then your son/daughter’s special education liaison (listed on your child’s IEP), if warranted. If you have additional concerns, contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal. Finally, contact the Special Education office.
Behavioral issues: contact the teacher first. If you are still concerned, contact the guidance counselor and then the building Assistant Principal/Principal.
Social, emotional, personal, health, or family issues: contact the guidance counselor, the school adjustment counselor, or the nurse to discuss your concerns with them. If necessary, also contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal. If you feel your concern has gone unresolved, contact the Special Education office.
Homeless or temporary housing status (McKinney Vento, Foster Care, or Military Status): contact the guidance counselor and inform them of your status. In some instances, they may direct you to the building Principal. Finally, contact the Special Education office. The homeless liaison (Brad Brooks) will be notified of the status and transportation will be arranged through his office (if needed). All homeless students once identified, receive free lunch for the remainder of the school year and this is certified by the homeless liaison to the free/reduced lunch coordinator.
Athletics issues: contact the coach first. If you are still concerned, contact the Director of Athletics. Finally, contact the Principal.
Attendance issues: contact the guidance counselor first. If attendance issues continue, contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal.
Report Cards & Transcripts: contact the guidance counselor first. If you have additional questions, contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal.
Harassment & Discrimination: contact Title IX and VI Coordinators. If you are still concerned, contact the building Principal. Finally, contact the Human Resources office.
Bullying: contact your guidance counselor. If you are still concerned, contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal.
Technology questions and/or issues: contact the district Technology office.
Student Activities/Clubs: contact the advisor first. If you are still concerned, contact the building Assistant Principal/Principal.
Special Education Transportation (VanPool Transportation): contact the Special Education office.
Transportation (Dee Bus): contact the building secretary followed by the building Assistant Principal/Principal. Finally, contact the Business office.
Food Service: contact the Food Services Manager. Finally, contact the Business office.
Ethics Questions: contact the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission. The Commission's Legal Division provides free, confidential advice to anyone subject to the conflict of interest law. To obtain advice from the Commission, call (617) 371-9500 or (888) 485-4766, or submit a request for advice online.
For email contact: please enter the person’s first initial and last name, for example,